Wood Borer encompasses many species and families of beetles whose adult forms eat woods and damage the structure of wood and furniture made of wood. The woodworking industry also calls them woodworms for their better understanding. Wood-boring beetles usually target dying and dead trees. This is why often we see that wood borer attack our furniture that is made up of woods. These wood borers are detected usually after few years of new construction.
Due to one or more years of its lifecycle, it is usually unnoticeable at the beginning. But if you can notice holes in your furniture or the trunk of your trees and plants then you should understand that your furniture or woods has been the victim of wood borer attacks and you should get in the action for wood borer management quickly. If you won’t take any action it will make your furniture or woods or tree weaker and weaker as the days pass.
The wood borers make minute dot-like holes which are almost invisible to our eyes and enter through them. They spend 2 to 3 years inside the woods they eat and tunnel it and when they become adults, they make a big hole and exit through it.